Kayla’s professional journey spans an impressive 16-year career in Law Enforcement. Her expertise covers a range of assignments, from patrol duties to investigations. Notably, the last six years of her career were dedicated to specialized roles in traffic-related assignments, including DUI enforcement and the Traffic Investigations Bureau. Kayla investigated numerous hit-and-run incidents, serious injuries, and fatal collisions during this time. Her commitment and sacrifices in the line of duty were recognized when she was awarded a Purple Heart for her involvement in a serious collision. Unfortunately, injuries compelled her to medically retire, but she carries with her a wealth of training and experience.
Drawing on her unique perspective, Kayla has transitioned into a new role focused on ensuring individuals are adequately covered by their selected insurance policies. Her personal experience underscores the importance of having the right coverage to alleviate the stress and concerns that can arise after a collision, particularly if injuries are involved. As a mother, Kayla empathizes with the need to balance cost savings with essential protection for one’s family.